The Best Valentine’s Day Gifts for Him

Couple kissing in front of a tree carved with the words "True Love" with snow in the background

The Best Valentine’s Day Gifts for Him

Check out Krome’s Best Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for the man in your life. While you’re at it, find inspiration for family & friends too.

Image of a man holding flowers in front of a sign that says "Be My Valentine" - the best valentines day image.

Oh Valentine’s Day. What a holiday. It’s filled with love and the best intentions but leaves us with anxiety and high expectations.

Remember in grade school when it was required that you bring something in particular for every single student in the class? Can you imagine if adults had that type of structure?

Navigating gift ideas for your S.O. would be SO much easier.

In this article, we are going to outline some of the very best Valentine’s Day gift ideas for him.

We have you covered for the best gifts for your husband, boyfriend, or even the guy you’ve been seeing but haven’t quite given your relationship a label yet.

What are the Best Valentine’s Day Gifts for Him? 

Krome Studio is your ticket to the best Valentine’s Day gift for 2019. Here’s How Krome Works:

Krome is a photo imaging service providing you access to professional editors and unique AI technology 24/7. In hours, we can transform photos from your phone or the web into masterpieces at less than the cost of lunch.

Any photo + your request = the perfect image!

Two images on top of one another. Image one contains a couple kissing with a normal background. Image two contains the same couple but placed in a beautifully colorful and vibrant background of a road with trees of red leaves. The best photo service out there.

Check out our favorite Lookbooks that will no doubt get you inspired. Use ANY photo of yours, choose a design, submit your request and get it back within HOURS.

Valentine’s Day SOLVED.

What are the best Valentines Day Design Ideas for him? 

#1. The Valentine’s Day Lookbook.

This Lookbook features our best Valentine’s Day images. This Lookbook has tons of hearts, kisses and puppies – what Valentine’s dreams are made of.

One of our personal favorite images in this Lookbook is #HeartShapedCliff.

We loved it when one of our customers, Tayli, created this memorable photo of her family using this background.

Check it out on Instagram here and show it some love!

Image of beautiful family placed in a heart shaped cave background. The best photo for your family for valentine's day.

#2. The Romance Lookbook

Our Romance Lookbook designs set the scene for your beau with a background he’ll be sure to love.

Have a favorite beach that you and your partner love to always picnic on?

You know, the one where sand somehow gets in your sandwich every single time? But you don’t even care because it’s your spot.

Choose any photo of the two of you, select one of our beachy designs below, and you’re good to go.

You’ll get a photo transformation within hours that reminds you two of such great memories (and more to come!).

Grid of four romantic images. Numerous photos of couples having a picnic at the beach enjoying food and drink. The best background to place for a valentines gift for him.

#3. The Sunset Lookbook.

First off, who doesn’t love a great sunset photo?

Well, if you are one of those people, then I’m truly sorry, I didn’t think that was possible.

In our Sunset Lookbook, we have a range of colorful, beautiful, and just plain awesome designs. We work with professional photographers who want to showcase their work, so you’re really getting the best of the best. 

Here are a few winners in the Romance Lookbook that would make a great gift for your husband, boyfriend and of course your most important friend of all, your dog.

Grid of four images containing different sunset backgrounds. The best sunset designs to choose from for this Valentine's Day.

#4. The Make Believe Lookbook

Let’s just admit it. Deep down, we all just want to be kids again.

The sheer optimism and willingness to dive into anything head first is something extremely admirable. Kids have that ability while adults seem to lose it over time.

Time travel back to his younger years and think, “What did my boyfriend want to be when he grew up?”

Let’s say he wanted to be a rockstar. Make that dream a reality and use the #Rockstar design.

Check out these other options as well…

Make Believe lookbook grid. Four images of various make believe situations that are the best, such as being a rockstar, princess, jungle man, or the like.

#5. The Travel Lookbook.

Last but not least, our Travel Lookbook may be your ticket to the best Valentine’s Day gift for him.

What are the top three places on you and your S.O.’s bucket list?

Because I bet we have some of them in our Travel Lookbook.

Choose a place where you would love to go with your partner and any photo of the two of you to go along with it.

Ever wanted to see the biggest sleeping Buddha? Boom DONE. You’re there. Would he love to go to Barcelona? Make it happen with our #Barcelona design.

Grid of two images containing the best travel locations, the giant sleeping buddha and Barcelona.

In summary, Krome Studio has a whole lot of options for you to choose from to have the best and most unique Valentine’s Day gift ever.

Right now, we have a Free Trial going on our iOS app where you can see your photo before you buy it.

Additionally, right now, every request is only $5.99. How many times can you get a great gift for $5.99?

Check us out on the App Store, on our Web App or at

Additionally, we’re running a VALENTINE’S DAY PHOTO SHOW-OFF CONTEST! Submit your best Valentines-themed photo here.

Good luck!


The Krome Photos Team