Sellers with Krome Images Get More Sales

eCommerce Sales Dramatically Increase
with Krome Photos Images

Sellers across key categories report an average of 24.4% increase


High quality, informative product photos drive consumer eCommerce purchase decisions. A study published in eMarketer found that 83% of digital purchasers say that product photos are more important than reviews or text.  In another study conducted by eBay Research Labs, Is a Picture Really Worth a Thousand Words―On the Role of Images in E-Commerce, researchers also found qualitative support between better images and sales.
Key findings include:

  • Images increase consumers attention to the product.
  • Higher quality images like those from Krome Photos can make a big difference and improve the seller’s presence.
  • Conversion rates doubled with two images versus one including adding a lifestyle or infographic image like those designed by Krome, increasing the probability of making a sale.

Krome Photos has developed a platform that combines A.I. technology and pro editors to create and optimize listing, lifestyle and infographic images for sellers in virtually every eCommerce category. Our experience with seller sales results provides additional proof – that quality photos increase sales dramatically. Krome sellers see an average of 24.4%* increase in sell through with Krome edited images. Results vary by category with some categories as high as 89% sales lift on average. Examples include:


The right photo can convince your potential customer how great their lives will be when they own and use your fantastic product. That’s why SUV commercials showcase mud-splashing, off-roading adventures and why can you feel the scent oozing from perfume ads.  Krome Photos has developed a data driven platform and marketplace of professinoal editors to create images to help sellers sell more. Krome delivers quality photos, quickly and affordably. No fancy photoshoots needed, just a few phone photos sent to Krome web app modules and your sales will improve.

Here are some helpful tips to get that photo ready to come to us.

  1. Use high-resolution images. Phone cameras these days produce great images, so you don’t need to have access to a professional DSLR camera to take photos of your products. You can use any image from your phone.
  2. Take images in a well-lit, shaded area. Be mindful of the setting you take your images. You want bright, even lighting, so product details are visible. Avoid mid-day, direct sunlight because that creates harsh shadows.
  3. Show variety. Take several images at different angles. Give us a few options to work with.
  4. Think about the lifestyle or infographic images you would like to use. Look at other images in your category. We will come up with ideas as well but some direction never hurts.


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*Overall average is a weighted average based on the size of the individual category in relation to total eCommerce. Average sales lifts are based on weighted average lifts of all sellers using Krome Photos in a category.

Credit: Image samples from sellers –

RILEY JADE 1960  | Stack 52 | Nappler Pillows | Alef Bet Jewelry