May 15, 2014

Looking to do a fun photo project with friends and family? Or just want to add a little creativity to your weekend photos? Here are a series of tips and ideas for how to take amazing jumping photos that will be fun for the subject and photographer!

1. The Basics
Using an iPhone? Press and hold the camera button to shoot in burst mode. You can then select from the burst of photos to find the best photo. Alternatively, you can use a camera with a self-timer and a tripod to get everyone in the photo.

How to take photos in burst mode iPhone | Krome Photos

2. Capture Silhouettes and Shadows
Shoot against the sun to capture the silhouette of your subject. As you can see in the photo below, one of the best places to do this is at beach during sunset!

Jumping Photos | Capture Silhouettes and Shadows | Krome Photos
Source: Pinterest

Jumping Photos | Capture Silhouettes and Shadows | Krome Photos
Source: Victor Bezrukov

3. Land on a Couch or Bed
If you choose a soft landing place such as a couch or bed you can capture a jump at a new angle. Kids can get more height this way and try out different poses as they jump. Plus, it’s a great excuse to break the rules!

Jumping Photos | Land on a Couch or Bed | Krome Photos
Source: Melange Photography

Jumping Photos | Land on a Couch or Bed | Krome Photos
Source: Dan Marshall Photo

4. Use Props
Add an extra level of creativity with props. Create a Mary Poppins style photo by holding an umbrella. Use a relaxed posture to recreate her confident persona. Got a guitar player? Capture the classic rocker jump. Or use a bunch of balloons to jump and create the illusion of floating with the balloons.

Jumping Photos | Use Props | Krome Photos
Source: VisualizeUs

Jumping Photos | Use Props | Krome Photos
Source: Sam Hughes

5. Shift to a Low Angle
Create the illusion of extra height by shooting at a low angle.

Jumping Photos | Shift to a Low Angle | Krome Photos
Source: Joe Murphy

Jumping Photos | Shift to a Low Angle | Krome Photos
Source: bernat

6. Possibilities are Endless with a New Background!
Your Krome Photo pro can help you transform a photo from your bedroom into a photo of you flying over New York City! Snap a series of poses wherever you are and your Krome pro can bring you wherever you want to go.

Jumping Photos | Change the Background | Krome Photos

View more ideas on our Pinterest board: Jumping Photos!