Sonoma Linen – A 1st-time Amazon seller finding a successful formula

Altaf of Sonoma Linen is an experienced entrepreneur, with previous businesses in many brick-and-mortar sectors such as gas stations and furniture retail stores. He recently decided he was ready to change his pace and start selling products online. Selling his line of linen bedsheets on Amazon was his first time delving into eCommerce. Like many other new online sellers, Altaf saw the potential of eCommerce but was quickly faced with new challenges that he knew he’d need help with.

In the eCommerce space, data and technologies are big determining factors for success. Traditional business owners, like Altaf, understand this importance but do not know where to start. One of the first crucial parts of selling online is to have great images. In an effort to get quality images for his products, Altaf tried the freelance services from Upwork and Fiverr, but the help he found did not give him the confidence. Many freelancers left Altaf feeling unimpressed due to over-promising and lack of communication. He was looking for a service that has proven success and a deep understanding and experience in creating images that can sell.

Altaf found Krome through the Amazon Service Provider Network and upon reviewing our service, was drawn in by the fact that Krome images and designs are driven by data. He was interested to see how Krome uses sales data from similar product categories to help him create images that move the needle.

Our design team worked with Altaf to analyze the best selling bedsheets on Amazon, as well as low ranking sellers, to understand the type of images and representation of bedsheets that can drive sales and avoid the ones that do not. The end result was a set of impactful listing, lifestyle and infographic images that helped deliver a compelling message on Sonoma Linen’s quality and benefits through imagery.

Altaf was thrilled to see his sales lift 83% in 6 months after launching his product with Krome designed images.

Do you have a product, or know a seller that could benefit from Krome’s services?
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